Portrait of a Graduate Participating School Districts
The school districts included as part of the new “Portrait of a Graduate” grant, include:
Fitchburg Public Schools serve approximately 5,300 students in North Central Massachusetts. Of those 5,300 students 72% are minority students and 73% are considered high needs
The vision of each of the Fitchburg Public Schools is to provide learning experiences that engage all students in achieving high academic standards while developing intellectual rigor, creative interest, and social characteristics that prepare them for the challenges of living successfully and productively as citizens of this new century.
Our mission is to provide coordinated curricular and extracurricular experiences that inspire students to develop the academic, intellectual, creative, technological, and social skills necessary to work and to participate in our democratic society. Highly qualified educators who motivate and support students in achieving the high standards of literacy and numeracy as described in the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks will staff our schools. Teachers, administrators, and parents will collaborate to insure the effectiveness of learning experiences that are differentiated to meet a variety of student learning styles, needs, and interests. All members of the school community will focus on achieving academic excellence through curricula that promote inquiry and stimulate curiosity and the foundation for lifelong learning.
There are approximately 2,300 students in the Gardner Public School district. They are made up of 34% minority students and 62% high needs.
The Gardner Public School District is committed to ensuring that every child, in every classroom, every day, will: feel welcomed, safe, and included in our community; have adults consistently interact in ways that foster positive, supportive relationships; and be engaged in relevant, academically rigorous instruction. Our core values of Community, Appreciation, Responsibility and Excellence show that we C.A.R.E. about our students, our community, and the commitment we’ve made as educators.
Leominster Public Schools serve approximately 6,000 students. Of these students, 53% are minority and 57% are high needs.
The vision of Leominster Public Schools is to develop an engaging, innovative, and individualized system of teaching and learning that provides all students with the skills necessary for college, career and citizenship in the 21st century.
Winchendon Public schools serve approximately 1200 students. These students are 14% minority and 54% high needs.
The Winchendon Public Schools’ mission is to enlighten, motivate and educate all who pass through our doors. We will provide a safe environment that promotes an appreciation of diversity and preparedness for the future.
MWCC Early College
Through the Division of Access and Transition, which manages K-12 partnerships in the region, MWCC administers several College Access, Dual Enrollment and Early College programs. These programs provide middle and high school students with an array of academic, college and career awareness services, including, but not limited to, academic and career counseling, tutoring, mentoring, college tours, workshops and activities. Services are generally provided through targeted grant initiatives. In addition, MWCC hosts several annual events and activities designed for students and parents, which are open to the public.