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What is Changemaking?

Changemaking is an overarching philosophy or lens that an organization, district/school, and it’s people adopt together. Changemaking is based on learning and practicing the skills of empathy, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership. It is not about doing more, but looking at how we can do things differently.

Changemaking results in members of the community, particularly youth, feeling empowered and emboldened to have a voice. They feel more respected by adults and therefore have improved behavior as well a higher educational aspirations. They develop adaptable skills, and arguably most importantly, develop a growth mindset which is critical for dealing with the many unknowns in our future.

Who are Changemakers?  Anyone who believes they can make a difference.

  • Venturers
  • Teachers
  • Community Members

Some of the above participate in unique and inspirational professional development to help them hone the skills of Leadership, Teamwork, Empathy and Problem Solving.

What do Changemakers do?

A great place to start to get an idea of Changemaking is all about is the https://www.changemakercommunities.org website.