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21st Century Summer Program

Inside Out Escape Room Team A & B
Two teams of middle schoolers from Fitchburg's 21st Century Summer Program wanted to teach their peers about t

he importance of understanding themselves through their emotions. They each designed their own original Escape Room that was Inside Out 2 themed, creating a workshop filled with fun, teamwork, and social/emotional awareness for the annual Healthy Minds event on July 24th & 25th, 2024. They independently designed and led their workshop for elementary aged and middle school aged peers across the two day event.

Cultural Awareness & Appreciation
This team of middle schoolers from Fitchburg's 21st Century Summer Program wanted to teach their peers about the importance of cultural awareness and appreciation. They designed an original workshop at the annual Healthy Minds event July 24th, 2024, teaching youth about different cultures around the world, how to be proud of their heritage, what foods are important in different cultures, the importance of appreciating the differences in other cultures, and what cultural appropriation means. They independently designed and led their workshop for elementary aged aged peers for day 1 of this event.